Beloved Mother, Musician, and Teacher Mary Anne King
Our sincerest condolences go out to COMBO’s secretary and co-webmaster Mark King and his brothers Doug and David on the passing of their mother Mary Anne King on Christmas Day, 2014. We are saddened for Mark and his family and wish them tons of support in their time of sorrow. Mary Anne passed her love of music onto Mark (a wonderful pianist). She was an accomplished pianist and will definitely be singing in Heaven’s Choir.
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Local Musician Steve Lohman Passes
From Issy Rangel on Fb, 12/26/14:
It saddens me to say that our friend and brother Steve Lohman has passed away. His brother, Joe Lohman, called me with the sad news. I’m glad he’s at peace and no longer suffering. Steve will be missed. He had so many friends, and the best family you could ask for. I love you, bro. I’m glad we made music together, and I’m glad you were my friend. Godspeed.
From Mark Trippensee on Fb, 12/26/14:
[I] Was extremely sorry to come home and hear of the passing tonight of our friend Steve who had been fighting for his life for more than a week. He was a great musician and kind to everyone who was around him. There will certainly be a hole where he needs to be at our events from here on. He was such a supporter of all his musical buddies just as much as his own endeavors. When my Father passed away on Christmas 21 years ago, I remember thinking that bad things shouldn’t happen on such a day, or that it was cloudless and warm, but they do. I learned over years of healing that it doesn’t matter what day it is, or what the weather – it doesn’t lessen the blow of loss. My thoughts are with his family tonight.
Loren Honstein:
As you all have heard by now, Steve Lohman passed away yesterday. He was such a great friend to anyone lucky enough to make his acquaintance. We in the band Smackfactor loved this guy deeply and want to dedicate the January 10th show to him. So if you can make it we will raise a glass in his honor and play the set the way he would want to hear it. I’m gonna miss you, brother.
Steve had a massive heart attack two weeks ago. Because he was diabetic it caused his kidneys to shut down. . . Because the two things happened, they could not fix one without the other killing him. . .
So, in the end, he died of kidney failure.
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Other Notable Musicians’ Deaths…
December 2014
28: Leopoldo Federico, 87, Argentine tango musician; Frankie Randall, 76, American singer and actor, lung cancer; Merrill Womach, 87, American gospel singer.
27: Al Belletto, 86, American jazz musician; Francisco Curiel Defosse, 64, Mexican songwriter and producer, heart attack; Claude Frank, 89, German-born American pianist, complications of dementia.
26: Dick Dale, 88, American saxophonist and singer (The Lawrence Welk Show).
25: Alberta Adams, 97, American blues singer.
24: Buddy DeFranco, 91, American jazz clarinet player.