Thoughts and Prayers|

Pete Stidman of WaxTrax writes: It is time to support one of the people who has been the most dedicated to Wax Trax’s survival in her own time of need. While running an errand for her mother on Thanksgiving day last year, our Annie Murphy (an employee since 1989) was severely injured when her car was hit by a speeding motorist out on Wadsworth Blvd. Annie’s leg, hip, shoulder, arm, and seven ribs were broken by the impact. She luckily survived the ordeal, but will be in rehab for several months re-learning how to walk.

The staff and ownership of Wax Trax have set up a Go Fund Me to help Annie cover her $6,000 health insurance deductible and other expenses of her recovery. You can donate right now and please know that any amount will help. Small donations from many and large donations from a few will get us there.

Those who know Annie know she is a dedicated, caring, and generous friend, co-worker, sister, and daughter. She works her tail off to support her and her mother, who she lives with and cares for.

We can’t wait to have Annie back behind the counter – wearing her signature beret – talking with customers, restocking our record racks, and bringing all the girl-group and other vast knowledge to the store.

Even if you don’t know Annie, we can tell you that she’s one of the reasons Wax Trax has survived for 45 years, and that in itself is a great reason to join us in donating to her recovery.

Pete Stidman
Denver, CO

[COMBO Editor’s note: While the goal has been reached, extra will always be appreciated. Even if Annie had some insurance, or the driver who hit her did, it will never be enough to cover the expenses. Just think – What if this happened to YOU? Everyone needs to pitch in $5, or better yet, $10.]

Photo: Annie

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