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You meet so many super people at the Durango Songwriters Expo every time you go. One of them is Warren Sellers, one of the DSE’s favorite attendees and songwriter mentors. Warren is a singer-songwriter living in Southern California. He’s been a staff songwriter for both McJames Music and Windswept Pacific/3 Ring Circus. Growing up in Los Angeles in the 60’s and 70’s, Warren cut his musical teeth on the singer-songwriters of the early 70’s like the Eagles, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Carole King and others. His love for that era, and songwriting in general, lead him to study those artists, their songwriting, and ultimately lead to…The Journey of a Song…

Now Warren has written Part 2 of The Journey of a song. Take a trip with COMBO as we journey through some of the most loved songs of the 60’s and 70’s. This is your backstage pass into the lives of the singer-songwriters and the music they created…the very origins of them. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at the stories behind the songs. Who wrote them? When? Where? Why? These songs make up a musical landscape that became the soundtrack of a whole generation.

This book is perfect for those minutes when you have a limited amount of time to read something fully. Think the Reader’s Digest of a book perfect for a music lover on a plane flight! Very interesting, informative, and just chock full of “the facts” of how songwriters were inspired to write the magnificent songs we enjoy to this day! Great gift. Order it now to get it tin time for holiday giving.

Square Tree Publishing: Popular music – 65 pages
Author: Warren Sellers | Edited by Sherry Lynn Ward | Cover Design by Sharon Marta
Recommendations starting with Colorado’s own Richie Furay!

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