Music-Related Business|

COMBO Board Member David Barber filmed the speakers at the September meeting. He has posted the video of Colorado Sounds’ Jeff Franks’ talk on the present and future of electronic music. Jeff also offered a Power Point presentation on how to build an electronic-based song which was very interesting! This video is also available on COMBO’s YouTube Channel, along with several others.

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Hi, Friends!

This is the first year I’ve officially entered the Grammys… if you’re a voting member, I have entries in several categories:

• Warren Huart for Producer of the Year with my album, Marc Broussard’s and Trevor Hall’s… I’m in good company there for sure!
• the “Hurricane” video produced by Breck Larson is under Music Video;
• solo pop performance “Hurricane”, “Periscope” and “Stars – Zik feat. Katey Laurel”
• the ONE I’m mainly asking for your support on since the other categories are tremendously tough to navigate (solo pop performance, for example) – “All The Way Home” that Joel Van Horne sang on with me (which has been played several hundred thousand times in Starbucks around the globe this year, yippee!!) –  under American Roots (it is #218).  “Beautiful World” co-written by and featuring Aaron Espe is #217 in the same category.

If you would like, I would greatly appreciate your support by way of vote as one of your preliminary ballot choices (which results in nominations, of course) or sharing this news with your voting member friends if you’re not currently one.

Thanks again for your ongoing support of my career!  🙂

Katey Laurel

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