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By Leah Nylen, Kartikay Mehrotra, and Chris Strohm | The Antitrust probe emerged from complaints following a 2010 merger. The US Justice Department and a group of states will sue Live Nation Entertainment Inc. for antitrust violations related to Ticketmaster’s unrivaled control of concert ticket sales, according to people familiar with the case.

The suit is expected to be filed in the Southern District of New York Thursday, said the people who asked not to be identified. The dispute will seek remedies including breaking up Live Nation, said the people, who asked not to be named discussing confidential information.
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One Reply to “US Justice Department to Seek Breakup of Live Nation-Ticketmaster”

  1. Rob Roper Rob Roper says:

    I hope this succeeds. As a live music lover, I would like to see Live Nation/Ticketmaster crushed into dust. At minimum, they should be cut way down to allow for competitors to arise.

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