Music Notes|

Tommy Kaui Nuhulu 12/06/24: There was a funny observation that came up yesterday while talking with a long time friend. She said ” Based on 5 of your last 6 posts, some might think you’re a little too obsessed with the local music scene.”

As an artist (visual) who loves music, works with music, and relates to the lives of music making artists, she might be right. It is what made me want to start and establish LMNOP Colorado (Local Music Network Of Patrons), and Rock On Colorado. It was always about supporting artists and in turn, delivering the best of what artists create.

From Fillmore’s big stage, to the small stage of the Lion’s Lair, to inclusive gatherings we need that aren’t funerals, I will live to celebrate the great things we are doing, the small things we achieve when overcoming our challenges, and the love and respect we find in our stories.

Yes, to me it’ll always be more than joining friends at gatherings for a drink or a hug. It’s how I embrace our time and space.

Photo: Tonny Kaui Nuhulu

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