Thoughts and Prayers|

From Rick Regalado on Fb., 9/09/16: Thank you all so much for your prayers, calls, texts, messages, emails and wonderful thoughts. This has been a week from hell and one more time I find myself on a difficult path. I am home recovering and I have some serious testing coming my way to figure out exactly what damage has been done, but I have been through this before so I do have a good handle on what to expect. A very special thanks to Colorado State Patrol and the Park County Sheriff’s department who came to my rescue. Once again Law Enforcement proves their depth and wisdom along with quick decisive action is amazing and truly something we all need to be appreciative of and thankful for. I am heavily medicated for the time being due to the severe pain but I have a great team of physicians and an awesome legal force working to get all things resolved as quickly as possible. God bless you all and I hope to be back in the mix soon.

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