Songwriter's Corner|

Hi everyone! Cassie and I have been excited to make a few announcements as it pertains to upcoming changes for this group in 2020. As part of our 2020 revamp, we will wipe this group and start fresh.

In an effort to promote active participation moving forward, we ask everyone to complete the linked member application by March 31!

If you are already a member of this group, you will be automatically approved! This form will help us better understand what topics/initiatives to prioritize, as well as more context about each member so leadership can better serve you.

If you do not apply by March 31, we will assume you’d no longer like to participate in Denver and will remove you as a member of this group. However, you are more than welcome to apply anytime to re-join!

We also plan to roll out more guidelines on posts to keep topics and discussions better organized. Keep an eye out for more info there in the coming days.

We’ll also announce our next planning meet-up for mid-March shortly! And as always, I’m happy to grab coffee/drinks with anyone 1-on-1 to discuss anything sso-related. Denver Membership Application

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