Here we go again! October 1st thru 3rd, 2015 – Denver/Boulder/Broomfield, Colorado (NOT in Durango!) Get feedback on your song in person, directly from the pros. Registrants may perform in singer/songwriters showcases to be held on Thursday and Friday in front of major music industry decision makers.
Click here for the Registration Form:
Song Listening Sessions
Get feedback on your song in person, directly from the pros.
1. You may submit to a maximum of 3 song listening sessions (only one song per time slot).
2. Along with your registration fee, circle Song Listening Sessions on other side of form.
3. Do not mail CDs for Listening Sessions! Bring CD with you to Listening Sessions. Make sure song selection is clearly marked on CD.
4. ALSO, bring 3 typewritten copies of lyric sheets to each session.
5. We will try to accommodate all suggested preferences, though we can make no guarantees.
6. Song Listening Session assignments will remain posted in Thursday’s sign-in area throughout the event.
Singer/Songwriter Showcase
We will be selecting performing singer/songwriters for live showcases to be held on Thursday, Oct. 1st and Friday, Oct 2nd. Showcase your talent in front of major music industry decision makers. You will have 4 minutes time to perform 1 song. To submit for this great opportunity, send your CD with up to 2 original copyrighted songs, along with 2 copies of typewritten lyric sheets and select one category. Make sure your song on the CD is clearly marked specifying your selected track.
Showcase available to attendees only. (We reserve the right to refuse participation to any individual at our discretion.) Deadline for showcase CDs to be received by Sept. 25th, 2015.
Selected Singer/Songwriters will be notified on or before Sept. 30th, 2015. $15.00 fee per category submission
Questions? Call Jim Attebery at 970-259-9747
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Next – September 17th
Singer Songwriters: Come together, play your songs, talk about what inspires you, do something spontaneous, and get positive feedback from other Songwriters! Free! Bring your own instruments if possible. Ukelele lessons at 7:00 pm as well 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Inspire Life Studio is located at 938 West 8th Avenue, Denver, CO | 303-600-8543
Inspire Life Studio @ |
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New England songwriter is looking for a collaborator who is handy with writing melodies.
I have good contacts in the genre of bluegrass and Southern Gospel, and I have a publisher.
If interested, contact Myrna Riquier at