Hello Singer Songwriters,
The City of Richardson’s Wildflower! Arts and Music Festival is now accepting entries for their 2014 Performing Songwriter Contest. $500 cash will be awarded to the top four songwriters. We only accept 300 entries and the deadline has been extended to March 12, 2014. Additional information can be found at the following links:
“Many people can write a song, however, it is a truly brave person who will expose themselves by putting their song down on paper …then stand in front of the world and sing it for all to hear.” ~Al Johnson
The award-winning Wildflower! Performing Songwriter contest encourages the growth of the art of independent performing singer-songwriters. The genres include Acoustic, Americana, Blues, Bluegrass, Celtic, Country and Folk. No instrumentals are allowed.
The Singer Songwriter Stage is located in the Bank of America Theatre within the Eisemann Center for Performing Arts.
NEW THIS YEAR: E-mail and mail options for your songs! You can now e-mail your songs in MP3 format to donna.hanson@cor.gov, and then mail your application and $20 entry fee (2 songs count as one entry; however, you can only enter 3 songs).
Mail to: Wildflower! Performing Songwriter Contest 2100 E. Campbell Road, Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 See below for the rules and a link to the entry form!
Please read the rules carefully. Note that you can also enter through Sonic Bids – a COMBO “Buyer Beware” site.
Songs must be uploaded to Sonicbids or postmarked by midnight March 5, 2014.
Prizes: Four (4) $500 cash prizes will be awarded of which one is the “Michael Terry People’s Choice Award.” The four winners will perform a song swap set on the Singer/Songwriter Stage on Sunday, May 18, 2014 and will be scheduled to perform and sell CDs on the Wildflower! Courtyard Stage.
The 10 Finalists will:
• Perform submitted songs on the Singer Songwriter Stage in the Eisemann Center for Performing Arts on Saturday, May 17, 2014.
• Receive complimentary lodging on May 16 and 17, 2014.
• Perform a set on the Wildflower! Courtyard Stage and sell CDs.
• Have access to the Green Room (food and drinks) on May 17 and 18.
• [Read more on their website]
All songs must have been written within the last two years (after December 2011). Open to males and females ages 18 and over.
A printable copy of the rules and entry form is available at: