Greetings Jambers! It’s that time again. Registration is open for the Colorado Performing Arts Jamboree and The Guide to Colorado Performers 2015. Jamboree is January 23, 2015 at Jeffco Fairgrounds. Registration materials are posted on the Venture West website along with explanatory verbiage to lead you through the process. If you have questions call or send a note.
This is a year that we publish and distribute The Guide to Colorado Performers. Being in the Guide is the most important part of the Jamboree. The Guide lasts nearly forever and the software to use it is available to anyone who got through third grade. So get listed! Get gigs!
In addition to getting listed and registering to attend, you may also want to consider being a sponsor. Sponsorships cost $600. Sponsors have benefits! These include: A full page ad in the Guide (premium placement on the covers), logo on the Jamboree web pages – hot-linked to your website, and some kind of special treatment at the Jamboree – a showcase spot or some other special visibility in the exhibit hall.
Call or send a note to discuss the possibilities!
If you are not planning to apply for one of the nine showcase presentations, you may volunteer to sit on the adjudication panel. This is a great way to see how other artists represent themselves and a great way to watch an adjudication panel work, which will also help you design winning proposals in the future. Get in touch if this appeals to you.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Jeffco Fairgrounds again in January.