FROM CHRISTIAN BLOCHINGER ON FACEBOOK, 2/10/15: Just got off the phone with a sweet gal from an upcoming local band that told me she feels sad that more bands don’t want her to open/share a bill with her. “What am I doing wrong?” I told her… “NOTHING.”
I told her, in 11 years, I have given great exposure shows and break-out opportunities to up and coming bands that couldn’t get a break in Denver when we were headlining spots like Herman’s, Gothic, Bluebird etc. Then later their bands took off. I’ve toured a lot, so when touring acts come through, I always make sure the majority of the money collected goes to them because its hard on the road to make ends meet.
So… out of all the bands we friended, helped out, put on bills with us, or have given shows that we couldn’t do, or recommended to clubs. . . How many bands I wrote ‘great show’ and CD reviews for. . . or featured in my column in the Colorado Music Buzz… Do you know how many (estimate over 1,000 bands) of them ever returned the favor in the slightest — in 11 years – TWO.
So I told her to go out there, make your music as best you can, play with passion and share that with your audience. Be a sharing caring person, help others when you can and be gracious if people help you.
They say what comes around goes around.. But most people are selfish. . . so don’t expect a return on your good will. I know plenty of bands out there KILLING it who could throw others – us – me – a bone. . . but it will never happen. And half the time bands will dangle a show or an opportunity for a festival they are helping organize and will totally reneg on the offer down the road. It’s the music biz.
[…] By Barb Dye […]