Thoughts and Prayers|

Andy O’Leary at St. Joseph’s: 24 hours ago visiting St. Joseph’s. Nice rooms… nice staff… pretty good chow… and taking care of me…. no Covid…. lots of machines to attach me to… prognosis? There’s a lot of stuff working well… heart, lungs, stomach. However, diabetes is still diabetes.

I need to lose weight… duh… a wicked combination rendered me a patient… a new diagnosis. Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome… it was incredible head twisting dizziness and a new need for oxygen… I have a new sidekick — an oxygen tank. Weird thing, a day later, they send me home… I only need the oxygen when I’m active. Sitting down or at rest or just a walk to the restroom – no biggie. Doing the exercise I need to do to drop weight to improve my existence calls for oxygen. This is NOT a pity party. I am taking a few days off and visiting some new doctors and forming a plan with them. Sometimes it takes a serious wake up call. The best is yet to come, the rest is yet to come.

As I said this isn’t about getting attention… I have Doctors and Professionals for that. From family, friends and colleagues I need – patience, understanding and compassion… I have a new normal to get to. I know – what a corny speech…

So… I’m home. Restart rest and so on. Bruises courtesy of large objects jabbed in to deliver meds and IV. They pulled out this needle that was as long as the bruise. I saw when they pulled it out. I said “FUCK! That thing was in me all this time?”

The room erupted in laughter. That’s me – master of medical humor (little did I know). So Sunday night – no Andy, no Nightside… in recuperating ????? Back on air Tuesday afternoon. Apologies but I am on injured reserve. Satellite is on.

Next Nightside will be December 12th.

I love you guys. See y’all the 12th! ~ Andy

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