
Jake Schroeder (from his Facebook page)

By Brian Maass, CBS 4 Denver | He has sung the same song 949 times over the course of 23 years, and it never gets old. Jake Schroeder, who sings the national anthem at Colorado Avalanche home games said, ”It’s a big deal to sing the national anthem, and I would be mortified if I messed it up.”

With Veterans Day at hand, Schroeder told CBS4 how and why he thinks of his father every time he sings the anthem.

“He set the tone for me doing the anthem and showed me why it’s important,” said Schroeder.

Schroeder, 51, grew up in Boulder attending University of Colorado football games with his father and sister. He said he only saw his father cry twice, except when the national anthem was played at Colorado football games.

“Every time we were at the CU game, and the anthem played, my dad had tears running down his face. He didn’t talk to us about it, you know?” said Schroeder.
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