Music Notes|

Nate Dawson on Fb., 1/22/22: A friend posted earlier about the importance of keeping music in schools, a subject near and dear to me. And great music programs are only possible when they are helmed by teachers that really care about the programs and the students.

To that end, I want to publicly thank Wayne Phillips, Ralph Hinst, Larry Wallace, Terry McEwen and Tom Carleno.

It’s hard for me to even begin to imagine what my life might have been like had those five men not gone above and beyond to provide environments that promoted enthusiasm for learning, and a sense of community amongst fellow creatives and weirdos that I have continued to seek, and am grateful to have continued to find throughout my life.

Thank you music, thank you teachers, and thank you to all the creatives and weirdos that have given me a sense of purpose in this world, and make life so much more joyful.

Bradley J. Bradley
Personally I’ll throw in Dick McGee, as I played guitar in the WRHS jazz band which he directed.

Nate to Bradley: He was before my time – but absolutely! And you remind me I should add Jim Dalton as well.

Leahbeth Walker: I was blessed to have choir directors, vocal trainers, and parents who knew the importance music could play in one’s life. I was never able to make my dreams come true, but I wouldn’t be who I am had I not been able sing to my hearts content and been encouraged to do so. I am so thankful for all those people.

Tom Carleno: Thank you, Nate, for being such an enthusiastic student. It makes my job easy, and endlessly enjoyable, to teach students who want to learn as much as you did. You were among my earliest students and still one of the most memorable because I had a great time in your lessons.

Nate to Tom: You made it fun for me, too. Your enthusiasm for music was/is infectious, always excited about exploring new directions and turning me onto players and styles I wouldn’t have discovered on my own at that point. And I didn’t realize until later that you also gave me a much greater gift by not just showing me how to copy other players like so many guitar teachers did, but teaching me the building blocks, basic theory and improvisation so I could make my own music. I am grateful to have lucked into having had you as my first guitar teacher and that we’re still friends. And I still get a kick out of having been in on the ground floor, when you were thinking about chatting up this cute violinist, and what a good decision that turned out to be! You and Josie are the best!

P.S. Thank you Josie for teaching too! Though I’ve never seen you teach, I’m sure you’re good at it, and making a valuable difference in people’s lives, like Tom has for me.

Jose: Thanks, Nate!

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