Colorado Music Business Organization Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, March 1, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
Telephone conferencing number & code: 712-775-7031, ID 855-335-896
A. Call to Order at 7:05 p.m.
B. Attendance:
Present: Barb Dye, David Barber, Lee Bagby, Annette Cannon, Tracey Chirhart,
Johnnie Johnson, Jamie Krutz, Sheena Morgan
Absent: Angela Whaley (excused), Clark Hagan
Guests: Alex Teitz, Justin Bank
C. Consideration and Approval of the Minutes of January 5, 2020:
Jamie so moved, Annette seconded – Minutes approved.
Consideration and Approval of the Minutes of February 9, 2020:
David so moved, Annette seconded – Minutes approved.
D. Treasurer’s Report:
Income received:
February Memberships: $ 57.00 (Business: Paypal charges $3.00)
Sales of David’s books: $ 30.00 (cash sales; David donated to COMBO)
Sale of David’s book: $ 9.30 (Paypal charge .50)
Refund of service charge: $ 12.00 (Reversal of overdraft charge from 12/19)
Interest on Savings: $ _ .05 (February 2020)
Total: $ 108.35
Expenses paid:
Bank Fees: $ 4.00
Elizabeth Trujillo: $ 25.00 (“All You Need is Love” wreath)
Segway Communications: $ 92.45 (voice mail service for one year)
Mail Chimp for February: $ 31.28 (e-mail list: $30 + $1.28 local tax)
Facebook Ad for February: $ 40.00
Total: $ 192.70
Checking Balance: $ 1,528.96 (as of 02/29/20)
Savings Balance: $ 1,423.03 (as of 02/29/20)
PayPal Balance: $ 777.10 (as of 03/01/20)
Grand Total: $ 3,729.09
E. Membership Report:
Current Paid Members: 33
Supporter: None
Individual: Laurie Dameron (renewal); Rosann Winn (new)
Band: None
Business: Kerry Pastine & The Crime Scene (band)
Sheena reported that these members have not yet renewed for February:
Adrienne Osborn, David Fairweather
Sheena reported that the following membership is up for renewal in March:
Gary Manlove.
F. Unfinished Business:
1. Bar code requests: None.
2. Membership “Welcome Surveys” – Sheena Morgan: Sheena reported that there were no new surveys received in February.
3. Upcoming Programs:
a. Monday, March 23, 2020: The topic for this meeting will be “Gigging Tips Venue Owners Want You To Know” – continuing on with the February subject. We’ll also cover proper sound check routine. Panelists will be Kale Nelson (GM at Herman’s), Andy Bercaw (GM at The Oriental Theater), and Mark Sundemeier (booking agent at the Buffalo Rose); David will moderate. Title discussion ensued.
b. Monday, April 27th, 2020: Chris Kresge offered to do a program on “How to Get Airplay For Your Songs.” Other confirmed panelists will be Alf Kremer and Johnnie Johnson. We are still waiting on Alicia Sweeney’s response. We might want to ask Venus Cruz at KUVO if Alicia cannot participate. Jamie will moderate.
d. Monday, May 18th, 2020: Brittany Walker, an Entertainment Tax consultant, will offer some tips for musicians for next year’s tax season. Barb will offer a short summary of what a band manager should be handling for the band as kind of a “teaser” for a full workshop in the near future.
4. Web Reports:
a. Current Email Subscribers: David reported that, as of February 29, 2020, COMBO currently has 2,645 subscribers which is down from the 2,669 reported at the February 2020 Board Meeting. Barb reported that she gave Sheena several sign-up sheets at the February “How to Book a Gig” meeting. As of the Feb. 27th newsletter, we had 15% opens and 4% click thrus.
b. Twitter Account Followers: David reported that, as of February 29, 2020, COMBO currently has 8,001 followers, down from 8,004 followers as of the February 2020 report.
c. Facebook Account Activity: David reported that, as of February 29, 2020, COMBO received 1,431 “likes” which is up from 1,407 “likes” as of the February 2020 report.
d. Facebook Analytics: No report; Angela was absent and David didn’t look up the info.
e. Google Analytics Report: David reported that in February 2020 there were 3,204 “Sessions” which is up 35% from February 2019 when it was 2,380. The most viewed article in February 2020 was “Coroner ID’s man found dead west of Fort Collins as musician [Scott Sessions], rules death homicide” and a follow-up article naming Kevin Dean as a suspect in Scott Sessions’ murder.
Reminder – Our Facebook address is:
5. Songs on the COMBO Website Player for March 2020 – From Spotify. Sam Piscitelli: Sam didn’t have time to do this so David did it again this month. Thank you, David!
This month’s songs include:
● “Let’s Do This Thing” – Kerry Pastine & The Crime Scene
● “Colorado” – Joel Kachel
● “Dawes County” – Cass Clayton
● “Somebody Told Me” – Taylor Scott Band
● “Whiskey Heart” – The Hollow
● “I Never Thought” – Hillbilly Hellcats
6. COMBO YouTube Channel Uploads: David used his camera to film the February meeting (thanks, Lee Bagby, for being the cameraman!) because he can upload the videos directly to his computer and there would be no need to make DVDs. Ben Makinen is interested in helping David with the videos and possibly being on the board. David also said that he could just use Barb’s SD cards to upload previous programs that have not yet been added. She will give a couple of SD cards to David to get this done instead of transferring to DVDs.
7. Ombudsman Program: Annette noted that some guy loaned a “band” [Scott Wilson of Saving Able] $4k with a promised payback of $7k which, of course did not happen. We discussed [legal] ways the “guy” might be able to get his money back.
Note from February meeting: Busty G’s closed so their Blues Jam has moved to Long Shots, 4400 Ward Road (near I-70 & Kipling). Thanks, Jamie, for looking into the change.
8. Meeting Space Ideas: Roxy on Broadway (f/k/a Syntax): Alex looked up their info and they are now open a couple of Mondays a month and they are also serving food. David thought that meeting attendees could park across Broadway (to the west) in the Sam’s Club parking lot without being towed. Barb will check into that.
9. Designation for Funds: Nothing more at this time.
10. Purchase of Promotional Merchandise Items: Barb still has not found the guitar picks. David asked if it was worth the amount of money to purchase more picks (runs about $400 for 1,000). Jamie & Barb felt that it was a good promotional tool; Mark King had also said that it was so easy to carry them with him to pass out whenever he met a musician. The picks do have our logo & website on them, and people will take them when they won’t take a business card!
11. Promotion/Advertising: Nothing from Denverite. David and Sheena ran Facebook ads for the February meeting. Tony Mason also “blasted” out the meeting to his fan base. Both paid off! A “Robert” attended the February meeting quite by accident and he talked to Annette. He popped into the Snug for dinner and someone asked why he wasn’t at the music meeting downstairs! He won Warren Sellers’ book in our drawing. AND he was very impressed with our meeting and hinted that he might write an article on COMBO for his magazine “Taste.com”.
12. Girls & Science Expo: Barb has some other ideas that we can follow up on in the next few months. We need to have a live, in person, meeting of the Women in Audio ladies, COMBO, and Innervision to get this ironed out before we hit up businesses for funds. Maybe we could speak at one of WIA’s meetings?
13. Articles for Newsletter: Head East’s guitarist passed; Nathaniel Rateliff appeared on Steven Coert; Jamie will send Big Paddy’s bookings for St. Pat’s Day; and Colbert; Sandra said that Live at Jack’s is now serving food on the “patio.”
14. Membership Retention: Sheena: We briefly discussed sending out “e” membership cards
since Barb said that mailing the hard copy cards was too time consuming and expensive so
she discontinued doing that several years ago. Besides, only a couple of local music businesses
would honor them with a discount or special offer so the cards were kind of “moot”. Let’s bring
up the idea of e-membership cards again when we have more time.
15. COMBO Re-Branding Meeting: Update: A committee made up of Sheena, Angela,
Alex, David, Jamie Krutz, and Jonathan Bray & Spencer Townsend Hughes of “The Hollow”
met on February 29th to work on some ideas for perception of COMBO, its goals, and image.
More at a future board meeting.
16. Posting on Facebook: Sheena, David, and Tracey have been posting events on Facebook in order to reach more people who might be interested in our meetings.
17. Secretary Resignation: We still need a secretary! Angela was to take notes this evening but she was unable to attend so Barb took notes.
18. Board Member Bio’s: David was able to take headshots of 7 board members to add to the website. Board members are reminded to send their bios to Sheena ASAP.
19. Website Update. If [you] volunteered to update one of these pages, please let us know how you’re doing. Barb ran “an ad” in the newsletter, asking businesses for updates to their info. So far, only two have responded: David Ratner of Creative Law Network, and Darren of CCM Studios. We’ll keep trying. Trevor Toms told Annette and Barb at the February meeting that he used the Resources pages often.
20: Storage for COMBO Stuff: Barb rearranged a few boxes and put a couple more in the neighbor’s storage unit. Barb’s house in Pueblo was due to have renters move in [tonight] so, hopefully, she’ll be able to find time to work on the COMBO storage areas now. She has not moved anything that Mark has yet.
21. COMBO Organization By-Laws: Barb will read the first two sections of the By-Laws tonight for discussion. Here is the text from that section:
Purposes and Policies
The purposes for which the Colorado Music Association, (“corporation” hereafter) is formed are as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Colorado Secretary of State on June 24, 1999, as from time to time may be amended. The following are the basic policies of the corporation:
1. The corporation shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.
2. The name of the corporation or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objectives of the corporation, except that if such use would not jeopardize the corporation’s IRS non-profit section 501(c) (6) status, the Board of Directors may approve or ratify such use.
3. The corporation shall comply with the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, Colorado Revised Statues, section 7-121-101, et seq., and any subsequently enacted nonprofit corporation act in Colorado.
Membership and Dues
1. Any individual who subscribes to the purposes and policies of the corporation may become a member of the corporation subject only to compliance with the provisions of the Bylaws and any resolutions approved from time to time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
2. Only members in good standing of the corporation shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions (although others are welcome to attend general monthly meetings of the corporation without voting privileges).
3. In compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the provisions of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, no person shall be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin.
4. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no otherwise qualified handicapped person shall be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation.
5. The corporation will comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act in regards to the employment of professional performers and related supporting professional personnel, mechanics and laborers employed for any construction on a project, and the health, safety and sanitary laws of the State of Colorado. The corporation will provide a drug free workplace as required by the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D).
6. The corporation shall enroll members on an annual basis and persons may be admitted to membership at any time during the year. The corporation may deny or revoke membership at any time provided that such action does not violate any provision herein. Each member of the corporation shall pay annual dues to the corporation as shall be set by the Board of Directors.
7. Each member who is current in dues shall have one vote on all matters put before the membership by the Board of Directors. The right of a member to vote and all rights, title and interest of a member in or to the corporation shall cease upon the termination of membership. Any member may resign from the corporation at any time by delivering a written resignation to the President or Secretary of the corporation.
Read into the Minutes of March 3, 2020 by President Barbara Dye. A second reading will be done at the April board meeting. Article II(5) and (6) came into question and discussion.
22. California Law on Sub-Contractors: Update:
G. New Business:
a. Cancelled January Meeting: “Mad Dog” Friedman, the guy who drove down to Denver for the January 27th meeting, which was cancelled, came to the February meeting. Barb offered to buy him dinner but he turned us down. He enjoyed the meeting and said he definitely would come again.
b. Five Points Jazz Hop: Barb ran an article for March’s event. Perhaps we could do the swag bags for bands in the future and pass them out (such as we used to do at the People’s Fair) but we will need someone who can pass out 30 or more bags each night (as well as to “stuff” them). As of this writing, the Jazz Hop is held in 6 different venues with 6 different artists. Some are solo acts and some are full bands so we would have to have a “head count” in order to figure out how many bags we would need.
c. Other new business: Nothing at this time.
H. Reports
1. Book, Movie, and Featured Member(s) for the Month of March 2020: None as of this meeting. Barb will be re-adding the lyrics to “Eve of Destruction” to the March 5, 2020 newsletter.
2. Monday, February 24, 2020: “How to Book A Gig” at the Irish Snug. David Barber and Tony Mason presented the program. David had some questions made up, which they answered, and then they took questions from the audience. We had at least 63 in attendance (Annette & Barb were counting but a heavy influx of people around 7:30 caused us to lose track). Amazing! As a reminder for future meetings, if it looks like we are going to have an overflow crowd again, set up the folding chairs to the front of the room. The back of the room was squished in while the front had some room for seating. (BTW, Tony was to speak at the Balanced Breakfast meeting on Feb. 29th). Barb came up with gifts for drawings: a couple of “shakers”, Warren Sellers’ book, and David donated one of his books. (Barb said it would have been a great time to pass out the SESAC wine bottle openers she has – but she has no idea where they are at – except in that mess in her basement!) (Nataliya donated the Christmas porch hanging she won at the Grammy Party back to us as they have no porch).
3. Colorado Springs Meeting: No report.
4. Denver Balanced Breakfast: Barb Dye reported that the Balanced Breakfast meeting was set for Saturday, February 29, 2020 at the Mercury Cafe. Their guest speaker was to be Tony Mason. Did anyone attend? Yes. Angela, David, Sheena, and Alex. The crowd was estimated to be around 20.
5. Denver Open Media Open Music Session: This month’s DOM was set for Friday, March 6th. Anyone plan to attend the program? Not at this time.
6. Mental Wellness Discussion Group (note name change) Meeting: Angela attended a “First Aid” class in Nashville last week. This class will offer how to recognize if a musician (or anyone) is having a mental health problem and how to offer help. Angela Whaley’s report: Angela was unable to attend tonight so no report.
The Mental Wellness Discussion Group meets in Denver the first Sunday of each month from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Youth on Record office, and then group organizers are hosting a group meeting on Monday in Fort Collins. The group is emphasizing “Music Minds Matter.”
7. Women’s Group – “She Said So”: Angela said a lady named Cathy has taken the group over and hopes to get it back on track soon.
8. Women’s Group – Women Crush Music: They have a new leader, Megan Rose from Sister Neapolitan, and are hoping to get up & running again soon.
9. Women’s Group – Setting the Stage: Julie Gellar continues to lead this group with e-mails from Israel. Julie just had her new album mastered at AirShow Mastering.
I. Items for Newsletters/Announcements: Jamie will send a press release for his band Big Paddy’s St. Patrick’s Day events.
J. Next General Meeting: Program on “Gigging Tips Venue Owners Want You To Know”
will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Irish Snug’s Dublin Room.
K. Next Board Meeting: Sunday, April 5th, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. Telephone conference.
L. Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
/s/ Tracey Chirhart
Tracey Chirhart, Acting Secretary