Colorado Music Business Organization Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, April 5, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
Note for future reference: The coronavirus, named COVID-19, has hit the world hard with thousands of reported victims and thousands of deaths. In trying to combat the illness and to keep it from spreading, such as influenzas, norovirus, Legionaire’s Disease, and the zika and ebola viruses, the governments have asked businesses to shut down and to cancel all meetings and big events (those with more than 50 attendees). In consideration of the health of our members and meeting attendees, we cancelled our March meeting.
A. Called to Order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Barb Dye, David Barber, Lee Bagby, Annette Cannon, Tracey Chirhart, Clark Hagan, Johnnie Johnson, Jamie Krutz, Sheena Morgan, Angela Whaley
Absent: (All here!)
Guests: Alex Teitz
B. Consideration and Approval of the Minutes of March 1, 2020: Annette so moved, David seconded. Approved.
C. Treasurer’s Report:
Income received:
March Memberships: $ 28.50 (Individual: Paypal charges $1.50)
Interest on Savings: $ _ .01(March 31, 2020)
Total: $ 28.51
Expenses paid:
Bank Fees $ 2.00
Mail Chimp for March: $ 31.28 (e-mail list: $30 + $1.28 local tax)
Facebook Ad for March: $ 20.31
Total: $ 53.59
Checking Balance: $ 1,434.51 (as of 03/31/20)
Savings Balance: $ 1,423.09 (as of 03/31/20)
PayPal Balance: $ 752.00 (as of 03/31/20)
Grand Total: $ 3,609.60
D. Membership Report:
Current Paid Members: 31
Supporter: 1
Individual: 19
Band: 6
Business: 5
Sheena reported that these members have not renewed for March: Gary Manlove
Sheena reported that the following memberships are up for renewal in April: None.
New member: Mary Jane Longnecker
Membership “Welcome Surveys”: Sheena reported no new surveys in March.
Membership Retention: Due to the fact that millions of Americans have lost their jobs because of the shutdown, and that hundreds of musicians also do not have an income because shows have been cancelled and venues closed, Sheena proposed that we extend the memberships of those musicians who have paid in the last year and that we not send out renewal notices until after “this” is over. Discussion and vote: Board voted to hold renewal notices until an undetermined date, probably around September 2020 at this time.
E. Unfinished Business:
1. Bar code requests: None.
2. Upcoming Programs:
a. Monday, April 27th, 2020: Chris Kresge offered a program on “How to Get Airplay For Your Songs.” Other confirmed panelists will be Alf Kremer and Johnnie Johnson. Alicia Sweeney said her boss “quarantined” her from public gatherings thru April so she was not able to be on the panel. Jamie will moderate. Official vote to postpone this meeting: Board voted to hold the “meeting” via internet service ZOOM. Angela will set this up. Barb will let the speakers know although she had already checked with Chris, and Johnnie said he could do that during this meeting.
b. Monday, May 18th, 2020: Brittany Walker, an Entertainment Tax consultant, will offer some tips for musicians for next year’s tax season. Barb will offer a short summary of what a band manager should be handling for the band as kind of a “teaser” for a full workshop in the near future. We decided to postpone this subject due to the fact that the tax deadline was extended to July 15th due to the shutdown. However, Sheena suggested that we go with a Mental Wellness program over ZOOM. Board approved. Angela & Sheena will moderate.
4. Web Reports:
a. Current Email Subscribers: David reported that, as of 3/31/20, COMBO currently has 2,632 subscribers which is down from the 2,645 reported at the 3/01/20 Board Meeting. As of the March 26th newsletter, we had 32% opens and 7% click thrus.
b. Twitter Account Followers: David reported that, as of 3/31/20, COMBO currently has 7,958 followers which is down from 8,001 followers as of the 3/01/20 report.
c. Facebook Account Activity: David reported that, as of 3/31/20, COMBO received 1,433 “likes” which is up from 1,431 “likes” as of the 3/01/20 report.
d. Facebook Analytics – Angela Whaley: (No events) – Down 24%; Likes 6; post analysis: 35%
e. Google Analytics Report: David reported that in March 2020 there were 3,489 “Sessions” which is up 3% from March 2019 when it was 3,387. The most viewed article in March 2020 was a story regarding the death of local singer Billy Bunting. In second place was a story about Colorado Governor Jared Polis setting up a relief fund for “gig workers”; and in 3rd place was a story from Ditty TV that still gets reads for some unknown reason.
Reminder – Our Facebook address is:
5. Songs on the COMBO Website Player for April 2020 – David (Sam was not able to do it this month again so we will drop him): From Spotify:
● “Let’s Do This Thing” – Kerry Pastine & The Crime Scene
● “Colorado” – Joel Kachel
● “Dawes County” – Cass Clayton
● “Somebody Told Me” – Taylor Scott Band
● “Whiskey Heart” – The Hollow
● “I Never Thought” – Hillbilly Hellcats
If someone else would like to take this over, David said it is pretty simple. You set up a “Playlist” from Spotify, then export it to the website player.
6. COMBO YouTube Channel Uploads: David said he uploaded an introductory blip of around 2 minutes from the February meeting with him and Tony Mason. Then David also added the basic whole meeting.
7. Ombudsman Program – Annette Cannon: Nothing to report at this time.
8. Meeting Space Ideas: Roxy on Broadway (f/k/a Syntax); Alex looked up their info and they are now open a couple of Mondays a month and they are also serving food.
David thought that meeting attendees could park across Broadway (to the west) in the Sam’s Club parking lot without being towed. Barb will check into that. Due to the COVID shut down, the Roxy on Broadway is temporarily closed. We will check into this once the go ahead is given for bars and clubs to re-open.
9. Designation for Funds: Nothing more at this time.
10. Purchase of Promotional Merchandise Items: Nothing at this time.
11. Promotion/Advertising: David and Sheena ran Facebook ads for the March meeting which, unfortunately, was cancelled due to the threat of spreading the deadly coronavirus.
Ryan Chrys recommended that Voyage Denver interview someone at COMBO and they contacted Barb. Barb filled out a questionnaire and they posted an article at VoyageDenver.com\interview\meet_Barb_Dye that was just, basically, Barb’s answers to the questions! | David commented that they had contacted him, too, but he felt that it was just a way for them to get free advertising. Barb agreed but felt it was a 2-way street as COMBO would receive promotion as well so that’s why she filled out the questionnaire form.
12. Girls & Science Expo: Barb will attend a meeting of the Women in Audio group to gather support. Barb reported that WIA’s meetings have been postponed.
13. Posting on Facebook: The weekly news articles go onto Facebook automatically from Barb’s newsletter postings, and Sheena has posted a couple more to attract interest.
14. Secretary Resignation: We still need a secretary! While Barb does not mind taking the notes, this is becoming a “one person” organization. Taking the notes is fairly easy as it is, more or less, a matter of filling in the blanks on the Agenda that Barb, as president, prepares. David and Sheena are already doing their share with their duties (including webmaster, treasurer, e-mail lists, membership, and advertising); Annette’s new “day job” includes many emergencies which she cannot predict ahead of time (also puts her in a precarious position as vice-president); Johnnie would be more than glad to help out but his abilities are challenged; so that leaves the rest of the board! Angela volunteered to take the Minutes for this meeting.
15. Board Member Bio’s – David & Sheena: Nothing new to add at this time.
16. Website Update. David said that he’d updated all the pages to this best of the information he had. If you have new information, i.e., clubs/bars permanently closing or new ones opening up, please let him know. We may gather more of this info after the shut down ends.
17: Storage for COMBO Stuff: Barb was able to go thru the boxes and put more in the neighbor’s storage unit. She has not moved anything that Mark has yet but will try to get to that soon.
18. COMBO Organization By-Laws: Barb will read the first two sections of the By-Laws tonight for discussion. Here is the text from those sections:
Purposes and Policies
The purposes for which the Colorado Music Association, (“corporation” hereafter) is formed are as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Colorado Secretary of State on June 24, 1999, as from time to time may be amended. The following are the basic policies of the corporation:
1. The corporation shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.
2. The name of the corporation or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objectives of the corporation, except that if such use would not jeopardize the corporation’s IRS non-profit section 501(c) (6) status, the Board of Directors may approve or ratify such use.
3. The corporation shall comply with the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, Colorado Revised Statues, section 7-121-101, et seq., and any subsequently enacted nonprofit corporation act in Colorado.
Membership and Dues
1. Any individual who subscribes to the purposes and policies of the corporation may become a member of the corporation subject only to compliance with the provisions of the Bylaws and any resolutions approved from time to time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
2. Only members in good standing of the corporation shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions (although others are welcome to attend general monthly meetings of the corporation without voting privileges).
3. In compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the provisions of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, no person shall be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin.
4. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no otherwise qualified handicapped person shall be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability be excluded from membership, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the corporation.
5. The corporation will comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act in regards to the employment of professional performers and related supporting professional personnel, mechanics and laborers employed for any construction on a project, and the health, safety and sanitary laws of the State of Colorado. The corporation will provide a drug free workplace as required by the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D).
6. The corporation shall enroll members on an annual basis and persons may be admitted to membership at any time during the year. The corporation may deny or revoke membership at any time provided that such action does not violate any provision herein. Each member of the corporation shall pay annual dues to the corporation as shall be set by the Board of Directors.
7. Each member who is current in dues shall have one vote on all matters put before the membership by the Board of Directors. The right of a member to vote and all rights, title and interest of a member in or to the corporation shall cease upon the termination of membership. Any member may resign from the corporation at any time by delivering a written resignation to the President or Secretary of the corporation.
Read into the Minutes of March 3, 2020 by President Barbara Dye. A second reading was done at the April 5th board meeting. Article II(5), (6) and (7) came into question and discussion. David moved and Annette seconded accepting Article I as written. Board Approved.
Discussion regarding Article II, Sections 5, 6 & 7: We will try to re-word these as they are not in line with the current practice of the board. However, we are also not exactly violating them either.
19. California Law on Sub-Contractors: Update: Barb called Vince West of the Durango Songwriters Expo (Vince lives in CA) and got this update: The revision to the law has been put on hold due to the coronavirus shutdown (affecting most states). At this time, no live music is being presented anywhere in CA so the lawmakers will work on clarifying the law. [Basically CA was going to put into law that ALL businesses hiring “subcontractors” would have to collect and pay into the state income taxes for such hires. Without a clarifying statement, that meant that bars and clubs would have to collect and pay in taxes for band personnel, resulting in an accounting nightmare. The musicians would then have to report such income on their yearly tax reports which, in theory, could amount to tons of W-2s from all their gigs being submitted to the IRS! And probably would not mean collecting a large amount of money.]
F. New Business:
a. Five Points Jazz Festival: We have participated in this the past two years. Other than snagging Lee Bagby for the board (which is a wonderful thing!), Barb does not see much sense in doing this day-long event. Discussion: As of this meeting, the “world” is shut down due to the coronavirus. It is, more than likely, going to cause the cancellation of the Five Points Jazz Festival as well as many other such events and concerts scheduled from the time forward until an unknown date.
b. Dinner & a Movie? WATCH A MOVIE, GET $0 DELIVERY
Denver Film & DoorDash are partnering to bring you Dinner + A Movie. The best way to support local restaurants.
Simply purchase a ticket to one of our featured movies and you’ll receive a DoorDash coupon code in your email confirmation for $0 Delivery Fee from one of your favorite local spots.
What do you say, Dinner + A Movie? Offer ends May 3, 2020. One of the movies being offered is “Once Were Brothers”, a documentary about “The Band.”
What is a virtual cinema?
A virtual cinema is a new way for audiences to watch our latest releases from the safety of their homes during this unprecedented time while also supporting their local independent theater. We love and miss independent theaters as much as you do. That’s why 100% of net proceeds through April 2 will go back to your theater!
How do I watch the film?
All you have to do is click the Rent button, enter your email address and your credit card or PayPal information. That’s it! Once the film is rented, it will be available to view for 30 days and you’ll have 72 hours to finish once you’ve started watching. Every rental is $12.
Will my rental help my local theater?
Yes! We want to help local independent theaters as much as we can during this period. 100% of net proceeds through April 2 will go back to participating theaters.
c. Barb noted that Alex Teitz had called in for this meeting for the 4th time in a row. She asked if he would consider rejoining the board (he had previously served early in the 2000s). He said he would. The board voted to make Alex a member again! Welcome, Alex!
F. Reports
1. Book, Movie, and Featured Member(s) for the Month of March 2020: Barb re-added the lyrics to “Eve of Destruction” to the March 5, 2020 newsletter.
2. Monday, March 23, 2020: The topic for this meeting was to be “Gigging Tips Venue Owners Want You to Know”, an extension of the February program. Was to also cover sound check and how & when the band should ask for payment. Speakers were to be Kale Nelson (GM at Herman’s), Andy Bercaw (GM at The Oriental Theater), and Mark Sundemeier (booking agent at the Buffalo Rose); moderator David. We had to postpone this meeting but left this info here for future reference for a rescheduled meeting.
3. Colorado Springs Meeting: Right now, we cannot hold a meeting due to the corona virus shutdown. Barb will work on this when the “country” comes up for business again.
4. Denver Balanced Breakfast: Barb Dye reported that the DBB meeting was set for Saturday, March 28, 2020. Due to the Coronavirus shutdown, the meeting was to be held via an internet feed. Anyone join in? No.
5. Denver Open Media Open Music Session: Last month’s DOM was set for Friday, March 6th and April’s was set for Friday, April 3rd. Barb received a note from DOM saying that both meetings were cancelled and they would probably cancel May’s as well.
6. Mental Wellness Discussion Group Meeting – Angela Whaley’s report: The meeting was held over ZOOM. Angela said it went well for a first time venture.
The Mental Wellness Discussion Group meets in Denver the first Sunday of each month from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Youth on Record office, and then group organizers are hosting a group meeting on Mondays in Fort Collins from 6:00 until 7:00 p.m. The group is emphasizing “Music Minds Matter.”
7. Women’s Group – “She Said So”: Per Angela, Cass Clayton has reorganized this group as “She.E.O. See below Item #10.
8. Women’s Group – Women Crush Music: Letter from the founder Ashley Stoyanov;
As most of you know, over the last three years, our mission has been to connect, educate, and inspire women songwriters. We’ve hosted over two hundred showcases, educational workshops, and networking events across sixteen North American cities and created a community of over five thousand individuals who want to see more rising women songwriters topping the charts and headlining at their favorite festivals.
For the last six months, the #WomenCrush Music team has spent countless hours brainstorming and strategizing changes for 2020. We’ve analyzed our programming, checked in with our advisors and volunteers, and surveyed artists to see what they really need to be able to continue making waves in their careers. The results helped us decide the way to move forward is to actually go back to how we started – we have to go back to our roots.
I started #WCM by hosting regularly scheduled events for fellow women songwriters and I did it for one reason, and one reason only – to make friends. I was in a new city and had trouble finding a community so I decided to build one of my own. Through this local community, we were all able to share resources (producers, bandmates, etc.), find openers for our shows, co-writers, and have a support system who would go to each other’s gigs. Large promoters and media quickly caught on, volunteers gravitated towards the mission and wanted to help. Everyone could feel how important this sense of community was.
2020 has been an incredibly intense year – personally, I went through endometriosis surgery, a traumatic car accident that left me with several pelvic and spinal fractures and now, along with everyone else in the world, finding my way through this global health pandemic of COVID-19. I’ve been stuck home for about 6 weeks now, and my support system has been essential to me not absolutely losing my mind during this time. Social distancing has not meant isolation – it’s meant engaging with my tribe more than ever.
The month of March is not only International Women’s Month, but it is also when we celebrate #WomenCrush Music’s humble beginnings. Our industry has evolved since 2017, but the need for us to band together to amplify our voices and presence in this industry has not. Since the start of COVID-19, I see countless posts of “virtual hangouts” and more and more “women in music” Facebook groups being created. Now more than ever, artists are looking to be seen, they want to be heard, and they want to be understood.
I am beyond grateful to say that March 2020 marks year 3 for us, and it’s going to be different. Our mission is slightly shifting to simply creating opportunities for women songwriters through community – because at the end of the day that community, that sense of belonging, is what will keep us all going. We’ll be putting our focus on the needs of our community first so that we can truly make a difference in this still male-dominated industry with our programming. In 2020-2021, we are looking to bring our programming to new cities by partnering with university music programs, launch campaigns with publishers and distributors, and more.
While all events and other initiatives will be on hold until the Fall, we hope to be able to connect with you all through our social media and bring you new music, news, and opportunities through our blog, The Crush, our Facebook Groups (#WCM Southwest, #WCM Southeast, #WCM Rocky Mountains,#WCM Northeast,#WCM Midwest) and monthly newsletter.
It’s been an amazing journey thus far leading #WomenCrush Music, and I thank you all for your continued support. I’d also like to take this time to ask – how can we better support you? (Seriously, don’t be shy.) Please let me know by sending an email to Ashley@womencrushmusic.com. I always love hearing from our community so don’t be afraid to shoot me a message if you want to collaborate, learn more about how to get involved or just say hey.
Until next time – and stay safe out there!
Ashley K. Stoyanov
Founder/CEO of #WomenCrush Music
Our mailing address is:
#WomenCrush Music
128 SE 26th Ave
Portland, OR 97214-1711
9. Women’s Group – Setting the Stage: Julie Gellar continues to send uplifting messages for songwriters. And she also set up a video concert of her playing her new music from Israel!
10: Women’s Group – She.E.O. This is a new group put together by Cass Clayton, Kerry Pastine, and guitarist Eef. Kerry and Cass are paid members of COMBO.
G. Items for Newsletters/Announcements: Barb posted Jamie’s press releases on Big Paddy’s bookings for St. Pat’s Day but all of those got cancelled (coronavirus again);We had Amanda Williams do a workshop for us a couple of years ago at Colorado Sound Studios. It was announced today that Garth Brooks and his wife Trisha Yearwood performed one of Amanda’s songs, “She’s Tired of Boys” on their “living room concert”!
Annette Cannon said that she has started putting video shows on her JMoon Promotions Facebook page including those of Ashesh Dengol (from Nepal), Jeffrey Dallet, and more.
Not for the newsletter but Barb wanted the board to know that Doug Garvey, former board member from Pueblo, and his family have been ill (Doug, wife Nancy, daughter and 2 grandsons). They were just informed that they have been exposed to COVID-19 as the daycare lady for the grandsons is now hospitalized.
H. Next General Meeting: Program on “How to Get Airplay for Your Songs.” Confirmed panelists will be Chris Kresge, Alf Kremer and Johnnie Johnson. Meeting is to be held via ZOOM on Monday, April 27th starting at 7:00 p.m.
I. Next Board Meeting: Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. Telephone conference.
J. Meeting Adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
/s/ Angela Whaley
Angela Whaley, Acting Secretary