
From Carla Jordan on Facebook, 01/05/17: Closing Ziggie’s for safety reasons… Safety first. In addition to our buddy Jim “Doc” Seely being sick and unable to play tonight, I spoke with a few people in the area of Ziggie’s. It’s still pretty nasty out there and the temperature is steadily dropping. The streets that have been plowed have made for the great opportunity for people to get high centered when trying to park, especially in front of Ziggie’s. It’s dang cold and only getting colder…

So, you got it! I told my staff to stay home where it’s safe and warm and we are not going to be open tonight. Be safe… as much as we’d love to sell you some fine libations and entertain you with live music, the safety of my staff and musicians are much more important! See ya tomorrow for the big heat wave!

[Editor’s note: We really have to commend Carla for doing this. She may have lost some income but the danger to her staff, the musicians, her patrons and herself was more important. Thank you, Carla.]

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