
Doctor — and musician — Annette Cannon

Dr. Cannon was recently the recipient of the Doris J. Biester Excellence in Leadership Award from Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Alpha Kappa Chapter-at-Large, at the Nursing Induction ceremony on December 3, 2018 at the Renaissance Stapleton. She was recognized for her leadership skills in research and education, locally and internationally, her integrity and her commitment to higher education. The award is presented to a recipient to recognize their significant contribution to the chapter and to recognize them as a leader, resource, and guide to nursing students and other nurses as they develop their careers. The award recognizes the importance of leadership in areas of practice, education, research, community and administration.

[Editor’s note: Dr. Cannon is a board member for COMBO as well. She is a musician and is very knowledgeable on the business of music, too! Congratulations, Dr. Cannon!]

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