
John Macy and Friends

John Macy: Wrapping up a great year and look forward to what’s coming up, playing wise especially. While I was caught a bit off guard when I found out I was no longer part of the Burning Angels (their decision, we are cool and on good terms), I have some exciting things coming with new projects and bands with both Leslie Tom and Larry Nix, both who have outstanding records coming this spring, as well as a twin steel guitar fueled band with the best country players in town that will start appearing shortly (and also available as a session band). I am also working on my solo instrumental record that I have been trying to make forever. Of course, I am always available for live playing and sessions!!

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Colorado Blues Society Thanks Blues Fans for Helping

Thanks to everyone who donated to the Colorado Blues Society Clothing & Warmth Drive for those in need. We were able to donate 14 HUGE bags ( a full minivan) of clothing, blankets, hand warmers, soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, hats and gloves to Homeless Gear – a non-profit that will distribute the items throughout the area. Thanks for Caring!

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