YOU missed a good one. 🙂 We had record attendance – about 1500 people! Everyone seemed to love it. The combination of the Vintage Voltage Expo with the Colorado Guitar Show and the Colorado Radio Collectors Display is just such a great mash-up! We had over 100 tables of vintage electronics, classic audio gear and vinyl records at Vintage Voltage, another 70 tables at the Guitar Show, and 30 tables in the Radio Club display. Over 200 tables in all!
I’m currently evaluating 2 bids for our venue next year – but it’s definitely on for Spring 2023!
Thanks for helping us get the word out.
Dana Cain, owner
303-347-8252 (office)
720-261-3980 (mobil)
April 28, 2022| Colorado Music-Related Business| Barb Dye