
We invite you to participate in the Denver Music Education Convening, a two-day event meant to identify and implement actions that increase equity, diversity, and inclusiveness for Denver youth music education. We believe the path to a collective vision will become clear through a process of listening and learning from the expertise of other colleagues in this field.

When: Thursday, October 3 | 1:00–5:00 p.m. | Social Hour: 5:00–6:30 p.m.
and Friday, October 4 | 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Where: The Commons on Champa | 1245 Champa Street, Denver, CO 80202

Registration Required | RSVP below

Why Are We Convening?
With educational equity moving increasingly to the forefront of our conversations with colleagues and financial supporters, we decided it was time to take action! The goal of the Convening is to join like-minded Denver organizations to create a collective impact on music education. We have acquired funding from the Denver and Bonfils-Stanton Foundations and secured Team Tipton to provide expertise in research, analysis, and facilitation. Now, we need you — join us!

Our Goal:
To identify and implement actions that increase equity, diversity, and inclusivity for Denver youth music education in a transformational, measurable, and sustainable manner.

Jesse Martinez
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Jesse Martinez I Director of Community Education
Phone I 303-534-0732 Cell I 720-205-2864

Mailing Address I Boettcher Concert Hall 1000 14th Street, No. 15, Denver CO 80202
Visit us at

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