
Photo: Previous winner Lisa Selle | COMBO’s 2025 Songwriting Contest has started and will end May 31st, 2025, so get your songs ready now. Our newest board member, Larry Thompson, is taking over administering the contest. Larry has been a songwriter for over 45 years and owns Brotherhood of the Hook Publishing Company.

COMBO will electronically make the top 20 commercially viable songs available to major record companies, publishing companies, music supervisors, producers and A & R  personnel, Film and TV sync licensing companies, and will be published to currently available streaming services (which will provide a revenue source to the writer(s)), under music company standards.

Songs entered into the contest will also be considered by Brotherhood of the Hook Publishing Company per agreement of the songwriter(s) and BHPC.

Also, all entrants’ names will be thrown into “the hat” for a drawing for a FREE ENTRY into the Durango Songwriters Expo to be held in Broomfield, Colorado in October 2025. This entry is worth $450 and that doesn’t even count the professionals you’ll meet that may be able to help you further your music career!
Please note that we are looking for additional judges. If you would like to be a judge and think you are qualified to do so, please send a note to Barb Dye, stating why you are qualified, how long you have been in the “business” of music, and contact information. Thank you!

What: COMBO’s Annual Songwriting Contest 
When: Ends May 31st, 2025.

Cost: $10 entry fee with each song submitted to COMBO.  Dues-paying COMBO members can enter one song at no charge. Dues-paying member bands may submit TWO songs at no charge. Or, if you are not a dues-paying member, you may enter one song for $10 (each).

COMBO Song Evaluation / Judging criteria: 
1. Lyric uniqueness, Melody, clarity, coherence, creativity, originality and emotional impact,
2. Instrumentals accepted with Writer(s) information 

Go to At the top of the page is a tab that says “Songwriting Contest.” Click on that tab and follow the directions. Have your lyrics ready to copy & paste into the Lyric page, and have your recorded song ready in a WAV or MP3 format ready to upload (WAV file preferred). Also have your credit card handy if you need to pay. Remember: Dues Paying COMBO members are entitled to one free song entry, and dues-paying Band members have two free entries. Don’t waste your entries! Enter now!

Photo: Lisa Selle

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