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Some of COMBO’s members met with president Barb Dye at the Mayan Theater on Wednesday, June 22nd to watch the movie “George Michael: Freedom Uncut”. The movie was very good and was more of an “autobiography” than just a documentary. George put the movie together himself, narrated it, and covered so many of the ups & downs to his life. He finished it just before he passed away on Christmas Day, 2016 at the age of 53 from various health issues.

However, the film still needed to be edited and other finishing touches needed to be done. His good friend David Austin finished the movie and got it ready for distribution.

The movie was shown only one night in the theater(s) but will be available on paid television channels and streaming services soon.

Go here to watch a trailer:

Read a review of the movie here – worth your time:

Did you notice that George was NOT in his “Freedom” video?
Comment from Krisushi: This was a stroke of genius to have the original super-models appear in this video. It never dawned on me that George was supposed to be in every video himself but really enjoyed this as it was filmed. If Sony weren’t happy with a video clip such as this, then nothing could make them happy.

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