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This bears repeating: “Whiplash’ was recommended by local musician Amy McGuiness. The movie is up for 5 awards at this year’s Academy Awards.

Go here to see the trailer:

Whiplash is a 2014 American drama film written and directed by Damien Chazelle. The film stars Miles Teller as a student jazz drummer who seeks the respect of a fearsome teacher played by J. K. Simmons. It also stars Paul Reiser and Melissa Benoist.

Whiplash premiered in-competition in the US Dramatic Category at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 16, 2014, as the festival’s opening film. Sony Pictures Worldwide acquired the international distribution rights. The film is nominated for five awards at the 87th Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor for Simmons, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

(Don’t forget: Melissa Benoist is from Littleton, Colorado!)

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