We note that our band membership roster is out-of-date. If you would like to be on the (private) list, please go to http://www.coloradomusic.org and fill out the “Survey” sheet. Please be detailed about your band, i.e., number of member, style of music, how far you’re willing to travel, clubs/venues you’ve already played… anything you can think of that will make your band outstanding.
This is also true for solo, duets or trios as well. We have need for all.
Make sure to include permanent contact info. It’s a good idea to pick an e-mail address that is “neutral” and keep that for the rest of your life – literally! For instance, Ilovemusic@gmail.com does not say your name or the name of the band but you can keep it no matter what band you belong to. Also the same is a good idea for a phone number – don’t change it if you absolutely do not have to.
If you want more information, e-mail COMBO at info@coloradomusic.org. Be sure to include a phone number so that someone can call you back.