Songwriter's Corner|

Hey, Songwriters! As you may know, we will not have our usual workshop in August, but we will return with our monthly meetings on Wednesday, September 4th!

For the September workshop, see what you can create for one or both of the following titles/themes: 1) A Good Suntan, or 2) Fifty Fifty

Choose one or both song ideas to work on. If you can write a full song, great – just a verse or chorus would be fine too.

Enjoy the rest of the summer; I look forward to hearing some fun tunes when we meet in September.


Our Front Range Songwriter’s group is being featured in the August 7 Black Rose Showcase, held from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Buffalo Lodge – see the listing:

We will be running a Writers in the Round* format. For this event we will feature John Swayne, Monty Gaddy, Bob Branum, Carmen Anthony Sacco, Mark Gillick and Mike Burns.

We’re hoping this is an event we can do on a regular basis – with opportunities for more of our group to participate (we have so many good writers). So, come support our group August 7!

*Writers in the Round is where a group of individual songwriters (3-4 at a time) share the stage, taking turns sharing a song (with some interaction amongst those on stage). A Round would likely feature about 3 songs from each.

Photo: Mark Gillick | From his Facebook page

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