Songwriter's Corner|

John has a challenge for you before our next meeting on February 7th! The Songwriting Challenge for the group for the February workshop is to bring the draft of a song, or just a verse or chorus, based on “I Wonder What She (He) Saw In Me”. This can be the hook or title or maybe just a phrase in the song. See what you can do with this expression.

I look forward to some inspired results in our February workshop. Thanks, John

About the group: Front Range Songwriter’s Workshop is a monthly get-together (typically the 1st Wednesday of the month) of lyricists and songwriters with the mission of improving their craft. Meetings typically include a discussion of music industry trends followed by presentation of works in progress. Presenters should bring ten copies of lyrics and/or music for review while presenting their work. We can usually play MP3 via phone/device as well. This is a diverse and highly supportive group welcoming all styles and levels of craft.

Location: Covenant Church, 4965 Barnes Road. This is at the SW corner of Barnes Rd. and Iron Horse Trail – one block East of Barnes Rd and Oro Blanco.

Remember, if somebody would like to present their musical work at our meeting they should bring ten copies of lyrics and/or music for review while presenting their work.

This is a diverse and highly supportive group welcoming all styles and levels of craft.
We hope to see you this week!

Here are some future dates to mark down! 3/6, 4/3, 5/1. These are still on the first Wednesday of each month!

As usual, our meeting will “start” at 7:00 p.m. with some general instruction/discussion leading into friendly (but serious!) song critique sessions. Coffee/tea and cookies as always!

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