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Globalsound Studio’s new drum room (photo courtesy of Globalsound)

We expanded into the space next door which allows us space for 3 more classrooms and 2 more offices! We soundproofed the walls and ceiling, new carpet is in, acoustic foam is up. Instruments are in… classroom#11 is ready for students!!

Thank you to all 3 instructors – Mateo, Matt and Dan – for pitching in to help get the room ready! Oh, and I vacuumed. (Big Smile!)

Stop by and take a look next time you’re in Broomfield!

Globalsound Studio’s mission is to provide students with the highest caliber of music education while making lessons enjoyable and fun. Our instructors hold degrees in music and are professional musicians. They customize the lessons to fit the student’s music style and learning needs. We’ve found students learn faster using our engaging and fun music education strategies.

Globalsound Studio
555 Alter St Unit 19-F
Broomfield, CO 80020
(entrance north side of the building)
Phone: 303.439.7956

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