Colorado Music-Related Business|

Golden Music violins

From Golden Music Store: It’s been a great 20 years in Golden and we thank all our customers and friends for the wonderful two decades of service to you and friendship at our founding location. Our 20 year lease is up in Golden and there’s no renewing it. Everything must go. Make us an offer… we hope to sell everything. Last day is [tomorrow, Friday] July 29th, 2016. The sale has been going on for a month but there is still inventory left. Check out the photo for some of what’s left. [Band directors: Now is the time to take advantage of instruments you may need for your school!]

The Golden store is open the same hours it has been: 12-7 Mon-Fri – will be closed after tomorrow. The store is located at 2430 East Street, Golden 80401

Questions can be directed to the Golden store at 303-458-5900 or the Lakewood store 303-279-1111. Remember they have a NEW location in west Lakewood that they are moving to – they don’t want to have to pack up and move everything so buy now!

The Lakewood store is open and ready to serve you from 8-8 Mon-Fri, 10-5 and Sat and Sun. The Lakewood store is located on the NE corner of Colfax and Miller, just east of the Westland Shopping Center District.

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