Music-Related Business|

One of American Classic Pianos many pianos! Check them out.

Well, our plans keep changing!! We were able to extend our lease before the building sold, but now it appears that it will be in our best interest to move sooner rather than later. We plan to start the migration in a couple of weeks. Warren did an inventory yesterday to see how many pianos we have. Take a guess! We have 99 pianos! About 30 of those are ready for good homes, and we’d really rather not move them twice. We’ve decided to sell them for only what we have in them, but it needs to be very, very soon.

Pianos of every size and every price range… From spinets to concert grands.

Top 10 reasons to buy a piano NOW!

10) The perfect piano for you just might be waiting for you…..but not much longer.

9) Tax refund?

8) We’re going to be turning our focus to vintage and art cabinet pianos, so we will never again have a collection of spinets, consoles, and small grands like this.

7) Our trusty red Durango (lovingly known as the De-Range-o) was stolen and totaled last month and you feel badly for us. I’m not above asking for a sympathy vote.

6) Although you love to play your piano, there are times that it would be nice to have live piano music while you’re having dinner, too. It’s time for a WiFi player piano. We still have two in stock.

5) You love your piano at home, but what about those weekends at the cabin? You need one there, too! One that’s as historic as your place.

4) But wait! You could have it all… You could have a classic old upright piano WITH a WiFi player system for home or cabin. “Alexa, play me some Chopin.”

3) A grand piano in the living room for showing off and a console in the basement for practicing. Perfect!

2) Warren (and his old lady) are 63 years old and shouldn’t have to be moving pianos like this. Yes, again the sympathy vote!

1) But the number one reason for buying a piano from us now, is because you can save big bucks; big, BIG bucks.

Call, email or text me to make an appointment while the selection is still sweet. We will have snacks, Holly’s homemade cookies, and beverages available for your shopping excursion with us.
Office – 303.761.6858 or text to 303.550.6027
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