

Colorado Music Business Organization – Board of Directors Meeting

February 6, 2023

Join Zoom Meeting

A. Called to Order at 7:15 p.m.

B. Present: Barb Dye, David Barber, Annette Cannon, Tracey Chirhart, Jamie Krutz, Johnnie Johnson

Absent: Clark Hagan, Maurice Avatar

Roster: Barb Dye, David Barber, Annette Cannon, Maurice Avatar, Todd Carron, Tracey Chirhart, Johnnie Johnson, Jamie Krutz, Tony Molina, Clark Hagan

C. Approval of the Minutes of Feb. 6, 2023: moved, 2nd: Approved

D. Treasurer’s Report:

Income received:

Memberships $ 115

Interest on Savings: $ .02(January 2022)

Total: $ 115.02

Expenses paid (Ck = check; PP = Paypal; BW = bank withdrawal, checking acct.):

Bank Fees for Jan. (BW): $ 2.00 (checking fees)

Paypal fees (PP): $ 5.49(See David’s accounting below)

Secretary of State $ 10.00

Discover Card: $ 40.09(Auditorium Event lunch and parking)

Meta (PP): $ 0.00- (no Facebook ads for meeting)

Zoom acct. (PP): $ 16.30 (Jan. 20, 2023)

Google Workspace: $ 18.87 (Jan. 2023)

Mailchimp (PP):   $  33.00 (Jan. 29, 2023)

                                Total: $ 125.75

Paypal Fees: (3 x $1.54) = $4.62 (for individual memberships) (No charge for check)

Checking Balance: $ 1,278.27 (as of 2/06/23)

Savings Balance: $ 1,153.84 (as of 2/06/23)

PayPal Balance: $ 563.63 (as of 2/6/23)

Grand Total: $ 2995.74

To be paid: American Voice Mail – $95; Application for 501(c)(3) – $875; still on want list – t-shirts.

E. Membership Reports:

Renewed Members in January:

Supporter(s): None

Individual: None

Band: None

Business(es): None

New Members in January:

Supporter: None

Individuals: 2 Eric Peterson & ?? (didn’t understand name)

Band: The Spice Pistols

Business(es): None

Up for Renewal in January:

Supporter: None

Individuals: Laurie Dameron (sent notice, she states not due until April)

Bands: None

Business(es): None

David sent out renewal reminder emails on

Membership “Welcome Surveys”:

F. Unfinished Business:

  1. Bar Code requests: None.
  1. Upcoming Programs:
  1. Monday, February 27th (the 20th is Presidents Day): Jamie emailed Shannon and did not hear back, also called and emailed Steven from Flowbots, Open to ideas as of now. Colorado Sound, need phone number and maybe have one of their sound engineers talk, possibly Anna Frick.

House Parties: Annette brought up the topic how to throw a house party which would be a great topic for summer. Slopeside has done house parties and could speak. Tracey mentioned she is thinking about having a summer concert series this summer in the Pinewood Springs area and COMBO involvement ideas are welcomed. It was suggested to not invite general public , paid members only and COMBO can advertise depending on the situation.

Events committee meeting: reschedule?

Plan A: Shannon bock, Plan B: Flowbots, Plan C: House Concerts…if all fail move on to March

  1. Monday, March 27thSteven from Flowbots?
  1. . April: Barb sent email to Chris Dellenger about the Showcase at Wild Goose Saloon in Parker. Location might be a possible issue due to parking and distance from where showcase performers live. Barb has not heard back from Chris yet.

Summer event ideas? Billings Artworks in Ridgeway make Grammy’s…possible topic?

3. Web & Social Media Reports – David Barber (as of 2/4/23):

  1. Current Email Subscribers: COMBO has 2403 subscribers upfrom the 2,401 reported at the Nov meeting. As of the newsletter (1/26), we had 27% opens and 3% click thrus.
  1. Twitter Account Followers: COMBO has 7515 followers which is down from the last report of 7,519.

c. Facebook Analytics: Reach: 2009 ; Post Engagement: 174 ; New Likes: 14, New page followers: 17.

Reminder – Our Facebook address is:


d. LinkedIn: 2 new followers, 166 up from 164.

e. Google Analytics Report: In Jan. 2022 there were 8134 sessions, which is up 78% last year when we had 4577 sessions. Jan 6 spike Blues Break app.com? accounted for 3896 sessions which sent people to most viewed article “Pueblo Band Teacher Victim In Murder Suicide Case”.

4. Ombudsman Program – Annette Cannon: nothing to report

5. Promotion/Advertising: Barb and Jamie passed out guitar picks and business cards. 40-50 people. Lots of new musicians, Eric Nelson drove up from Springs. 25 new signups for email list, send to David. Annette attended Nighttime Activities, more on that later.

6. Open Mic Night with Tony: Tony was absent tonight.

7. Event Spaces: Wild Goose Saloon will check out, Agave is tiny bar, Ophelia’s no parking. Parking issue not too relevant but depends on part of town event is located as safety could be issue.

Vintage Voltage Expo is still on, we have 2 tables, Judy is sending quilt valued at $100 to raffle off. Barb will print off tickets and we will do house raffle/drawing, sell tickets for around 3 months to generate more income. Can sell them at guitar show, other events, host live meeting, etc and put drawing date in Nov. for holiday season gift giving.

Upcoming programs: Jamie emailed Shannon but hasn’t heard back. Also, called Steven Racket from Flowbots but no response so nothing at this time.

Colorado Sound?

Mail: USPS – can’t use PO Box but Post Office can give you an address but it’s the cost. Steve Reklin to send mail to? David Ratner a possibility?

Booth at the Vintage Voltage Expo/Guitar Show: We will get one free booth there in exchange for advertising. Since the tables are only 6’ long, Barb has asked for another (which we will pay for). This is to be held on Sunday, March 26th from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (Our general meeting event is set for the next night, Monday, March 27th). Helpers needed!

Other ideas:

Billings Artworks Ridgeway CO: company that makes Grammy awards. He has a website and contact info, so maybe contact for May meeting. He might have some great stories, so will look into pursuing as possible speaker for May. https://www.billingsartworks.com/

Jamie’s neighbor Ben in metal band (Khemist?) willing to speak about their touring experience. He is getting PHD in sociology and researching the Denver metal scene. He would be happy to speak.

Hypnotik? Positive influencer, singer, rapper and could talk about his journey in music. He recently sold out a show at Meow Wolf.

Jamie will think about date for program committee meeting.

Zoom Etiquette: Barb did a compilation from several different sites on etiquette, could add to an email and send out before our Zoom meetings. COMBO has had one instance of a Zoom troll so not a huge issue, but it did occur so need to take precautions. Not everyone has to be accepted into Zoom meeting and there are other options such as ticketed events but could cause attendance to drop and there are fees involved. No way to tell who is really who since usernames can be made up so it’s hard to screen everyone in the Zoom meeting. Free and open to public is best to get as many people as possible, but maybe ask people to sign in with first and last name for attendance records.

How to join COMBO (if people ask?): Go to website, click join. Cost: Individual $30/yr, Band $55/ yr for all members, Business $95/yr (up to 9 employees).

G. New Business

1. Ideas to attract new members:

1. The welcoming night with DSE.

2. Perhaps team up with another non-profit and hold an event together?

3. Pursue the exchange of website links:

4. Pursue some discounts with entertainment attorneys for joining?

5. Re-evaluate how info is put on social media?

6. Small fee for entry into live events that have a speaker, etc.?

7. Consider raising the cost of dues?

8. Another contest?

9. Pursue getting a regular meeting spot for live events?

10. Pursue the ‘listening sessions’ again for a fee?

11. Have networking parties/gatherings quarterly?

12. Connect up with the new venues and new owners of old venues….do some partnerships?

13. Maybe host a karaoke night for a venue? Could be fun.

14. Have some voting and win something?

15. Get a calendar promoted out for the year and market it.

16. Can we hold a different type of contest also (in addition to the songwriting contest?)

H. Reports

Nobody attended Herman’s

1. Songwriters Showcase:

We agreed to postpone the Songwriters Showcase until April as a lead-in to next summer’s songwriting contest. In the meantime, we still need a place to hold it.

3. Movie Night With Barb:.

4. Book of the Month:

5. Women in Music: No report

6. Sound Girls: No report.

7. Music Minds Matter –

I. Next COMBO Event: Monday March 27th: Shannon Bock

J. Next Board Meeting:. Sunday March 5th 7pm

K. Next Program Committee Meeting

L. Adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

/s/ Barb Dye


Barb Dye, President/Acting Secretary

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