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LIKE American Classic Pianos…

From Warren at ACP: Years ago I was manager of a coffee shop.

I took it as a personal challenge to have a meaningful dialogue with two kinds of people. The first was the die-hard black coffee drinker that would say “I don’t need that fru-fru stuff”. The second was the customer that sheepishly asked for a low-fat, decaf latte with half a shot of sugar free white chocolate as if it was putting me out for their whim.

The conversation I wanted to have was about how wonderful it is that everyone has such different tastes in coffee. No one way is right, and no one way is wrong. You like what you like.

The same is true with pianos. Some like them new and black and shiny. Some like them old and mahogany and warm to the touch. Elton John likes his RED.

We’ve decided to use our wonderful refinishing shop to see if there is a group of piano lovers still in their closets too timid to ask for the Tangerine Tango piano that would look amazing in their living room. Our finishes are the highest quality, durable polyester, not just a novelty finish that you’re going to regret the first time the vacuum cleaner bumps it.

Our long-time tuning client and friend, Jeanne Nichols, is owner of ModMood in Wheat Ridge. She is excited to be working with us to fill the desires of the piano people who think outside the traditional piano cabinet. With our inventory that exceeds 130 pianos, there’s a good chance we can create the perfect piano for nearly every whim. Whatever it takes to get people excited to be playing and listening to pianos again is what we are all about.

Power to the Piano People!

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