
Ryan Chrys is nominated for the Colorado Country Music Hall of Fame!

Ryan Chrys is nominated for the Colorado Country Music Hall of Fame!

Thank you all for your award nominees for the 2016 CCMHOF Festival Induction Awards and Banquet show which will be held at the American Legion, 1655 Simms, Lakewood, Colorado on August 28th from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Your nominees for awards in the following categories are:
Entertainer of the Year: Ryan Chrys, Richie Law, and Lee Sims
Male Vocalist of the Year: Pete Luthman, Danny G., and Ryan Chrys
Female Vocalist: Wendy Ann, Peggy Malone, and Wendy Sweeden
Instrumentalist: Jeff Golden, Danna Vernon, and Joe Holonbek
Band: Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts; Wild Road Band; and Jim Hyatt
Country Music Song Writer: Pam Osburn and Chris King

Service Awards Categories Nominees:
Venue: White Fence Farm
President Award: Jennifer Page
Ambassador: Mr. & Mrs. George Miller
Appreciation: American Legion and Lupita’s Restaurant & Showroom

Special Note: Open Stage at the White Fence Farm is on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays only – 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

For more info, contact president – Bob Briggs at 303-882-6916 or 303-654-0951

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