Thoughts and Prayers|

Local/National Guitar guy Bob Yeazel

Local/National Guitar guy Bob Yeazel

Chris Daniels on Fb, 6/03/16: Hey Colorado music family. One of our dear buddies, Bob Yeazel, is going through a really tuff time. He’s in ICU. It is a number of things: heart that he’s been dealing with and now some of that awful Big C. I don’t know any details but any positive prayers, good vibes, love you can send is worth the effort.

Bob is a member of the Colorado Music Hall of Fame for his years in Sugarloaf plus his years with Freddi Henchi, Erica Brown, and so many more great bands. He wrote two tunes for the Kings and was my next-door neighbor in Park Hill years ago. Bob and family, we are sending you love, prayers and as always, Big hugs CD

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