We’d really like to be able to put more Colorado Music news in our newsletter and on our website. But we need YOUR help to do so! We need eyeballs everywhere! It’s fun to add “congratulations” here regarding our musician friends and members who have accomplished something special, to ask for bands or artists to fill a need such as a band for a wedding, birthday party celebration or perhaps a club looking for new “blood”, or news regarding local legal issues – like the problems that cover bands have with unemployment taxes for their bandmates or the lack of clubs with ASCAP/BMI/SESAC licenses who do not want to pay their entertainers. And to pass along valuable information musicians so need – like the Durango Songwriters Expo or the upcoming Colorado Guitar Show & Custom Luthier Expo! So if you have some news for us please feel free to pass it along to info@coloradomusic.org We really would appreciate it – and, remember, it’s for the good of your fellow musicians.