Music Notes|

Photo: Aimee Nolte | By Dagogo, Cold Fusion | Throughout history, creating a complete piece of music has always been a human process. There have been attempts to compose and render songs using computers before, but frankly they weren’t great.

Udio, Suno, EMI (“Emmy”)
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What If There Were No Music?
Whether you enjoy rock music, or pop, or if classical or jazz takes your fancy, we all love music. But what if we had never invented music?”

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How To Play By Ear

If you’ve ever wondered how to get away from sheet music, and play by ear, this is the spot for you! Get away from that written music. It’s holding you back! There’s a whole world of melodies and harmonies for you discover, and they are already IN YOUR HEAD! Learn how to transfer them to your fingers. 

Aimee Nolte Music

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Years later, Goldie [Hawn] often reflected on that pivotal day with a sense of wonder. “If I hadn’t gone to support my friend, if I hadn’t said yes to that assistant, who knows where I’d be?” she once remarked in an interview. “Sometimes, life throws you opportunities disguised as random moments. You just have to be brave enough to grab them.”

Photo: Aimee Nolte |

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