Photo: Yumi Hwang-Williams | By Anne Herbst, 9News | Music can transport people to different places and new worlds. It has certainly done that and more for Yumi Hwang-Williams. “Ultimately we become musicians because we love music and we want to express it and we want to share it,” Hwang-Williams said.
Hwang-Williams is the concertmaster for the Colorado Symphony—that means she is the first chair violinist and is responsible for everything from solos to being a figurehead and community liaison.
She has crossed oceans from South Korea and traveled over mountains and across the country to get where she is now. She never thought the position would be part of her journey.
“I never asked for it,” Hwang-Williams said. “It’s like the violin landing on my lap. I never aspired to be a concertmaster. It just all sort of happened.”
It is a little more complicated than that, but she is right about the violin never being a part of her plans for the future. When she was 10, she was accepted into the Girard Academic Music Program, a public music magnet school where she arrived without a violin in hand.
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Read this whole, inspirational story here:
Photo: Yumi Hwang-Williams | From her Facebook page