
Photo: Suitable Miss | Infinity Park in Glendale will host Colorado’s 4th Annual Throw Down Show Down – Battle of the Bands on Saturday, September 17th, 2022 at Infinity Park Stadium, Festival Plaza. This year’s event is a Battle of the Bands featuring six bands from across the state competing for the grand prize of $5,000. Admission is FREE, gates will open at 5:00 p.m. and the competition will start at 6:00 p.m. Competing bands are Suitable Miss, Satellite 13, Die Like Bothans, Lillian, Earl Nelson & The Company, and Crooked Rugs.

Fans in attendance will vote for their favorite band through QR code scanning technology. First place will take home $5,000, second place $3,000, 3rd place $1,500 and lastly, the fan favorite will take home $500. There will be food and alcohol for purchase or bring your own picnic basket, blanket and chair! But please, leave all glass containers at home.

“We are excited to offer music lovers an opportunity to hear some of Colorado’s most talented bands representing a variety of genres. Experience these bands live and see who you think should win the top prize,” said Pam Dunbar, Director of Marketing of Infinity Park.

For more information, including details about the competing bands, click

About Infinity Park, Glendale, CO
Set just a few miles south of downtown Denver in Glendale, Colorado, Infinity Park is a 16-acre, multi-use, indoor-outdoor entertainment hub for the entire Denver metro area. As Infinity Park’s reputation grows, it becomes interwoven into the cultural fabric of Colorado. The park complex serves as an event space, a place for family fun, and as a place that advances the health and fitness of Coloradoans of all ages.

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