Innervision has a new artist that they are needing new, original songs for her to perform. They should be appropriate for girls around her age so we need song writers that can think like a 17 year old girl! If you can create the music as well – that would be great.
Johnny says “Shoot me an email at with the subject line “Thatsany L.” if you want to hear how she sounds or meet with her.”
Innervision is a nonprofit that teaches the business of music to disabled and grass root musical artists.
Innervision FM Streaming radio station
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REMINDER: THERE ARE ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER COMBO’S 5th ANNUAL SONGWRITING CONTEST WHICH ENDS AUGUST 1st. Remember, too, that ALL contestants names will be thrown into “The Hat” for a drawing to attend the Durango Songwriters Expo October 5th thru 7th at the Marriott Hotel in Westminster, Colorado!