
Country Showdown winner Jennifer Smestad (photo courtesy of Jennifer’s website)

Congratulations are in order to Jennifer Smestad who won the joint Country Showdown held in Raton, NM on July 4th. Second place went to Tender Line Bridge, a father-daughter duo from Denver, and taking third place was Brad Richmond of Burlington, Colorado.

Jennifer now moves on to the Regional Competition being held at Copper Mountain on September 3rd.

Deserving a big round of applause, too, are radio stations KCRT in Trinidad, CO and KBKZ in Raton, NM who sponsored the contest – the only radio stations in this area to do so. Both stations are owned by the Phillips family of Raton. Thank you so much, KCRT, KBKZ and the Phillips Broadcasting Corporation.

Jennifer asks that you go to her Facebook page and LIKE and SHARE. She’ll also be giving updates about her music and showing snippets of originals she’s been writing and playing around music cities. She’s planning on doing some recording in the near future and hoping to release her first EP soon!

By the way, Jennifer is a former Miss Arizona in the Miss America Pageant. You can catch an interview of her with a local television station here:

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