Here we go again gang! Another year has begun and another Durango Songwriters Expo (since 1996) is right around the corner! Join Expo Co-Founder Jim Attebery and other famous (and infamous!) Durangonians at our annual Meet and Greets in the Denver/Boulder/Broomfield area as we get ready for our Fall Colorado Expo!
What is the DSE?
We all need to be inspired to create. Few things are more inspiring than spending quality time with smart, talented, like-minded people who understand what you do…and are passionate about it, in fact. You WILL be inspired at the DSE.
Do you really know what’s going on in the “industry”? (It’s changing!) Have you been honestly critiqued by more than your friends, family and current fans? We learn through failure, through trial and error. You have to be willing to try yourself against your peers so that you can get better at your craft, your art, your job. You’ll LEARN at the DSE.
You will be motivated to create, produce, direct and manage more projects by the time you leave the DSE. You will not only see that you CAN do it, you’ll be more inspired to do it…and you’ll be far more equipped to take action, to “just do it.”
Limited to 200 attendees with 30-40 top music industry people there to help YOU. Since 1996.
You can call Jim at 970.259.9747 and register for the Boulder Expo Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2016 being held at the super nice Omni Interlocken Resort and Hotel. If you are a paid COMBO member, be sure and mention that for a discount.
Go here for all the details and print out our PDF Brochure.
“Every handshake here is important…” –Meghan Trainor
Song Listening Sessions
Get feedback on your song in person, directly from the pros.
1. You may submit to a maximum of 3 Song Listening Sessions (only one selection per time slot)
2. Along with your registration fee, circle Song Listening Sessions on other side of form.
3. Do not mail CDs for Listening Sessions! Bring CD with you to Listening Sessions. Make sure song selection is clearly marked on CD.
4. ALSO, bring 3 typewritten copies of lyric sheets to each session.
5. We will try to accommodate all suggested preferences, though we can make no guarantees.
6. Song Listening Session assignments will remain posted in Thursday’s sign-in area throughout the event.
Singer/Songwriter Showcase
We will be selecting performing singer/songwriters for live showcases to be held on Thursday, Sept. 29th and Friday, Sept. 30th. Showcase your talent in front of major music industry decision makers. The deadline to apply for this has passed. Showcase available to attendees only.
Questions? Call Jim Attebery at 970-259-9747